C.A.R. Part #8 - The Action Plan
does your C.A.R. project go from here? What does the future hold for your
research? At this point in the process, you have completed one full "cycle":
planning à acting à observing à reflecting. But
C.A.R. projects don't end there. This section is where you send up the Bat-Signal
and call on future researchers to swoop in and take over. Your Action Plan
poses questions for future research. What should future researchers attempt to
address? What direction would you like to see your C.A.R. go? If the problem
wasn't "solved" during this cycle, what advice do you have for those that come
after you? If the problem was "solved", what future problems might arise from
having solved the original issue? Or, how might your solution be applied to
another set of problems? The Action Plan of the written report is exciting
because it is, in short, a "Last Will & Testament" – you are bestowing upon
a new generation of researchers all of your hard work and handing them the
Dr. Hartnell's Helpful Hints
1. Put
YOUR last name and the page number in the upper-right corner.
2. The words Action Plan (in bold) appear at the top of this page. They are centered on the page. Your paper should already be set to "double-spaced", which means all you need to do is hit the "Enter" key ONCE to ensure the proper spacing between the words Action Plan and the start of your text.
"Enter" again to begin the text of your Action Plan.
indent the first sentence of your Action Plan and all paragraphs
5. The
Action Plan is double-spaced, left-justified, and begins on its own page,
regardless of how long the Reflection runs. (In other words, even if the
Reflection runs five full page and two lines of a sixth, the Action Plan
begins on a new page. This is true for all the major sections of your
C.A.R. written report.)
6. Don't
forget that the margins throughout must be the default setting that appear when
you open a new Word Processing Document. DON'T try to cheat and alter them.
7. LENGTH: The
Action PlanAction Pl
should be no fewer than 3 pages in length. You may exceed this limit.
Sample C.A.R. - The Action Plan
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