How Credit Recovery Works
Westerville North offers a "Social Studies Credit Recovery" course for those students that need to make up any of the history classes offered during the school year. (Please note: This course is NOT designed for students looking to get ahead and will NOT be offered as such.)
Credit Recovery covers all history courses offered at Westerville North; as such, there is a wide range of topics. Students will be required to complete only the material for the course they are in the process of repeating. During this course, some students will receive additional preparation to take the Ohio Graduation Test (OGT) or other state-mandated exams. Credit Recovery is student-driven. Students will work at their own pace to complete the required work and take the required tests in order to receive credit and get back on track to graduate. Dr. Hartnell will act as a facilitator and provide assistance and guidance for those students that wish to be successful. In short, students study for, and take, the Final Exam for the course they failed. This Final Exam is administered every two weeks... until they score a 70% or higher. Students receive individualized instruction and content-specific materials based upon the test areas in which they fail to demonstrate mastery. Students are permitted to take the Final Exam as many times as they need - or until the semester runs out. Students that pass the Final Exam are awarded credit for the course they failed and may elect to remain in Credit Recovery with Dr. Hartnell for assistance on current Social Studies courses, to prepare for the OGT, or use it as a supervised Study Hall. If they pass early enough into the semester - and based upon space availability - these students may be able to enroll in another academic class. Because every student works at her/his own pace, there isn't a Class Calendar. Individual assignment and test dates will be provided to students as they reach specific benchmarks. Students are free to download pacing guides and guided notes from this website as well as use Dr. Hartnell's on-line text book to help them re-master their course's material. |