Collaborative Action Research Project
"Everybody's Doing It!"
Students enrolled in Dr. Hartnell’s 10 Grade Modern World History at Westerville North will complete a year-long project based on a theme and framework that promotes student choice, provides teacher flexibility, aligns to the course curriculum, and develops 21st Century and college readiness skills.
Throughout the project timeline, students will demonstrate understanding of content through a variety of models and options, including formal research, authentic assessment, and individual and collaborative presentations.
The project will prepare students for future coursework, higher education courses and disciplines, and a variety of career pathways.
Throughout the project timeline, students will demonstrate understanding of content through a variety of models and options, including formal research, authentic assessment, and individual and collaborative presentations.
The project will prepare students for future coursework, higher education courses and disciplines, and a variety of career pathways.
Click the picture of the subsection of the C.A.R. project you wish to visit... and it will be so.